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Date Yo’ Self!

We’re only days in to February and already the Valentine’s Day hype is upon us. Every post on social media and promotional email pinging in to your inbox is full of romantic getaways, gift ideas for your other half, and over priced set menus; if you’re a commitmentphobe like myself then it can seem like you’re not part of the cool gang. Well do you know what I say to that?

FUCK IT. Date yourself!

Do your nails. 
Get gussied up. 
Shit at applying lashes? Spend an hour practicing! It’s not like there’s someone impatiently waiting and giving you side eye. 
Eat your weight in holiday chocolate - am I the only one who thinks it tastes better because there’s less preservatives? 
Missing your Netflix and chill? How about Netflix and Chinese takeout except probably not because it’s only Wednesday. Let’s not go too crazy! Still… You’re half way through season 4 of Weeds and Nancy’s cataclysmic relationship choices are making you feel much better about single life right now.
Ok, so the chocolate is gone, the TV is asking if you’re still watching and you didn’t get to first base but you’re looking glam, you saved a bundle and if you’re really lucky you might let yourself get to second ;)

Thankyou to Alex Silver PR for the Impress manicure and Kiss Products Lashes -  tune in to @Faeribex Instastories Feb 14th and join in with my pamper evening! 



  1. I have an OH but we don't REALLY celebrate V day so we'll probably eat a nicer than normal dinner and then I'll follow along your stories while pampering myself lol

    Gillian xx

  2. Love it! Was following along your instastories, and just like yourself I spent it with myself, ate all the chocolate, watched some youtube and netflix and did little jobs here and there and had a wonderful night :) Even attempted some nose strip mask things? I don't even know but it seemed like a great idea at the time lol :)

    x Hayley The Tiny x


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