So it was my birthday the other week & I'm not gonna lie it was fairly low key (for me). I'm noticing that happening a lot more with each passing year. But here's a few pictures from my week as I had a really good time! The monday night thrown together last minute look. This was about the 4th lipstick I tried on. My housemate & I getting very drunk & taking pictures near horribly dressed women... Tofu & Prawn noodles with duck Gyoza... heaven. My bessie Gayle & I went for lunch to Wagamamas & she let me decorate her nails with my new Barry Ms! How cute is this wee canvas?! I kinda rock at this... no idea what the rules are though Lovely surprise early Glossybox arriving on my birthday! I didn't get a cake. But my friend Bex (other Bex lol) who was born exactly 3 days later than me invited me over for dinner & let have a yummy slice of hers! Two of the more obscure presents I got. I love Ast...