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Showing posts from April, 2011

vixens & velvets.

You have to wonder what some people think when they're getting dressed.  I'm not sure what she was trying to pull off with this look but she succeeded in being attention grabbing. Love the shoes though, maybe in a different colour. The shorts & boots combo are bad enough but a velvet shirt... really?!?

MAC Quite Cute!

I LOVE this shade! Its from the Quite Cute collection & is called Quite Cute. Quite confusing. It's a cream sheen so doesn't last very long. I've worn out a couple times & am constantly reapplying. Also I don't know if its the changing weather but my lips have been a bit dried out since using it. But all this aside I really do love this lilac lovely. It's my first official MAC purchase & I doubt it will be my last.

Easter Eggs-travaganza!

Firstly I should probably apologise for the cringy title but I couldnt resist so I'm not gonna. ;) Secondly I should definitely apologise for the lack of posts recently! Thankfully Michelle has been holding the fort whilst I've been away dealing with the joys of returning to work. Fun times! So where does the Easter come in to this? Check these bad boys out!  They're very roughly done because I don't have any brushes so was improvising with my dotting tools! But I love them & am very proud of my first drawing attempt. And they somewhat make up for my failure to find any Lamb for Easter Roast Dinner, Looks like these Mini Eggs will just have to keep me company... ;)

New Threads

I'm not going to lie, I really needed an eyebrow wax and tint. My eyebrows aren't too unruly, however, they are very blonde and there were a few stragglers that needed taken care of. They looked like the eyebrows of an albino. And with my fair celtic skin and dark (from a bottle) locks, it needed to change. I've been looking into threading for a while as an alternative to waxing and was really interested to give it a go. So off I went to Millies Fresh and Organic In Leeds , which is a pretty little store compromising of health food, hampers, vitamins, sports supplements, organic and cruelty free make-up, a deli (which won Leeds Guide best take-away 2009!) and then upstairs a lovely little beauty room. I'm very particular about how my eyebrows are done, living in Leeds for just over 4 years I've liked only one place and that's Glow beauty spa, I've been to other places and just never been happy. I'm sure it's not just me that feels this way, y...

The thing about nail art...

Sorry to be writing another post about nails but there is a serious epidemic out there - Too much nail art. And to prove that no one is free from this "step too far" affliction, I'm here to show you this: I think I should have stopped at the zebra print, but when all of my other 50 or 60 odd nail polish's were sitting there looking at me I found it hard to resit adding the red tip. I know, I know - I shouldn't let my polish collection dictate to me...but, well, that's addiction for you.

Snap, Crackle & Pop!

In the past couple of months I've Been trying to curve my obsession with nail polish - I nearly went a month without buying one and then cracked and bought 4 in one go and another on eBay that night. But I'm loving all the purchases and here are the top 2.... Essie - Pink Parka I first had this used on me when I went for a manicure at Waterfall Spa in Leeds and have been searching for it ever since because I didn't ask what was used! This is a neon pink so I'm afraid the pic might not do it justice The next one is Barry M crackle polish and I know there has already been a crap load of posts about this but it just reinforces the fact that you NEED this!!! I've used it a couple of times now and find that a slightly thicker layer works a little better. I know loads of polish bloggers say to use a thin layer and not to overlap but I say whatever floats you boat/tickles your pickle/flies your flag/humps your camel (you get the picture)... Go forth & crackle...

The Family Jewels

I have few memories of my paternal grandmother. She died from a brain tumour when I was five, shortly after my younger brother was born. I remember she was a tiny lady even from a 5 year old perspective. She always made sure there was Ice Cream when we visited and she loved her garden. I also remember her Jewellery. I loved sneaking into her bedroom, going to the vanity table, spritzing myself with perfume which had been decanted into a proper crystal bottle, and trying on her jewellery. I loved it. Now when she passed my grandfather being the sensible and wary man that he was, took all her items, divided them into small boxes and hid them around the house so that they would be safe and sound for when I was old enough to inherit them. Unfortunately he passed away too and we only ever found 1 box. My one remaining link to my nana.  My brother is now 20; and after years of being hidden away by my mum (although not in the way granddad did) I've finally inherited these 3 gorgeous piece...

Not really a FOTD

but more a face of last night and more because I love how my eyes turned out.  I found my dior make up brushes yesterday & so was able to properly have a stab at decent eye makeup. Stealing a few techniques I learned whilst watching the gorgeous Bex Bryson work her magic at a fashion shoot on sunday.  So here it goes. Face: Benefit Play Sticks Foundation in Spin The Bottle Benefit Lying Eyes Concealer in Shade 2 Urban Decay Bronzing Powder (obviously not very much lol) Benefit Thrrrob Blush Eyes: 17 pale pink all over lid Barry M Dazzle Dust in Yellow Gold below crease on upper lid and framing lower lid Barry M Dazzle Dust (possibly Lime I'm not sure as the label has worn) above crease on upper lid. Avon Super Shock Gel Eye Liner in Black (donated by Bex from Once Bitten Twice Shy) Urban Decay Skyscraper Eyeliner in Black Lips: Barbara Daly Lipstick in Icon I used Urban Decay All Nighter to set my makeup as well as an acci...

Always Accessorise

With most of my possessions being in storage at the minute I found myself without a large source of accessories to adorn. This means one thing... SHOPPING! Below are a few of my recent purchases. I love them!  Claire's Accessories   I love these earrings! They suit the crafty mood i'm in at the minute. Primark £1.50  I love Cupcakes. Enough said really. New Look 915 Kids  At the time I had been considering a new cherry tattoo. This fitted my mindset & is for the moment the most worn item here.  Primark £1.50  I've been considering getting back into jewellery making. China miniatures was one of my thought patterns. I bought this to give me an idea of quality & wearability. Claire's Accessories I got this because it was cute, plain & simple. It also sparked a 2 day owl obsession. Bex.

Bargain Basement

Well it's mid-season sale time again and most of the time I boycott sales as its super busy and usually the tat that they couldn't sell 4 years ago on the racks. Seen as I had a day off today I wandered round the shops in the hope of finding a nice plain jersey maxi dress (which never materialised). I did however get a maxi skirt and a t-shirt - both from the sales!!  The skirt is just what I was looking for and I know it's not going to be anyones cup of tea but here we go.. It's from the Lipsy sale and was £12.50, lovely colour and texture and I'm loving the contrasting waistband. Next from the sales was this t-shirt from Topshop and was meant to be £12 I talked the guy into a further 15% off as it had make up on the collar. I don't want to go all Mary Portas on you but if a garment has ANYTHING wrong with it, make up, a defect or a pulled thread always ask for a discount. It's worth it in the end. For the sake of sticking this in the washing machine I go...