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Showing posts from September, 2011

thrrrob : Benefit Cosmetics

Ever have that absolute favourite item that you love so much you don't actually want to use it for fear of wasting/running out? Well that's how I feel about  thrrrob by Benefit Cosmetics .  I love it so much. However in the wake of the news that it is being discontinued (sob) my current box worries me slightly, It was a gift bought from ebay and the more I use it the more I'm convinced it's a fake. A really convincing one. But a fake nonetheless. The reason I think this is because it lost its glittery shimmer very quickly and now sits quite matte in the box.     I am further convinced by the difference in tones between the official Benefit photo (top) & my box (below).  I'd already considered stocking up on when I heard they were discontinuing this blush & after closely examining my blush I'm even more determined. Perhaps I'll do a side by side when I get it! Will you be sad to see Thrrrob go like me? Have you ever been subject to ebay fakes...

Quick Review: Barry M Nail Effects Gold Foil

 Design: The name kind of gives it away. This metalic polish available in both Silver & Gold is designed to mimic the look of nail foils. Use: This is what I would call a One Coat Wonder. It goes on really well, dries fairly quickly, lasts ages! And if you don't paint it on too thin works best with one coat as for 2 some reason it become super fragile with 2 and refuses to dry properly. As with most metalics you do get brush strokes on it but they're not too visible. Verdict: I'm on a quest at the moment to find the perfect non-glitter Gold polish. This is my new favourite. It's a true gold. It's not bronzey, its not orangey or too pale. It's a proper yellow gold and I've had nothing but good comments since wearing it for the last week! Inside Outside with Glitter Accent Up Close & Slightly Blurry   Personalised False Nails If you've been keeping up with my twitter you may have noticed the odd post annoucing that I was paint...


Just spotted this over at Fluff & Flipperies  blog & being the nail obsessive that I am just HAD to share it with you guys! P.s sorry for my absence recently have had mucho writers block. The ideas are in the hat but they just don't make to my fingertips. Thankfully this is a two man operation & Michelle has been holding down the fort.  I'll try harder. Promise! Love you loads!!! Bex

Controlling my mane

I'm a creature of habit, my hair washing/styling regime has been the same for years. I used Toni & guy shampoo and conditioner followed by their heat protection spray, blow dry till I look like an extra from a def leppard video then straighten to oblivion. That was until the shampoo started to fail me and it felt greasy even after I washed it so I knew it was time for a change! I headed to the Liz Earle shop in Leeds ( mainly for cleanse and polish) and picked up their shampoo and conditioner for dry/damaged hair. I've been using them for about 2 weeks now and they are absolutely brilliant! My hair doesn't feel greasy anymore nice and clean and shiny beyond belief! *thumbs up, cheesy smile* I'm also using the KMS California hairstay style boost that was in my glossybox this month. It's also brilliant, it's comes out like a foam and then turns into a gelly liquid that you run through your hair. It's meant to act as a primer for your hair and keep the styl...