As a child with a tracheostomy (and even as an adult) I would walk in to a room full of strangers and there would always be that one funny fucker who would comment on my very loud breathing. "Sounds like Darth Vader just walked in" they'd say; or if they were really trying to bully me they'd call me Darth Vader's daughter. My reply was always "that makes me Princess Leia [asshole] think it through". I may have added the asshole bit… I was eight after all. But it helped me get through those hurtful comments and it still does because those Vader comments still happen twenty plus years later. People are assholes but fuck you because I'm a princess and a General and one with the force. *imagines middle finger emoji right here* "Member Star Wars?!" Rogue One was sold as a stand alone movie within the Star Wars universe. If you've never seen a Star Wars movie or didn't particularly like the previous trilogies t...