We recently received an offer to try out Blinkbox . The online movie and TV rental service provided by Tesco. The unfortunate demise of both Blockbuster and most HMV stores in the past few months has made it quite obvious that people are looking for other ways to view their media. With this in mind, the opportunity to do something a little bit different for you guys and the fact that I'm an unabashed cinemafile, I gladly accepted the offer and sampled 2 films: Friends With Kids (I love anything involving Kristin Wiig) and Deep Blue Sea (Rachel Weiss is truly stunning in this movie & I love the 40s war time era for fashion Inspo!) So how does it work? Well, it's exactly like renting a movie from a normal video store, you get the latest releases far in advance of the likes of Netflix & LoveFilm online services. From what I can see they're in line with the DVD releases, maybe even slightly ahead, so it's really up to date! Once you've 'bought'