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Showing posts from 2011

My Night With Marilyn

First a bit of back story. I recently had the exciting opportunity of joining a new network of Northern Irish fashion & beauty bloggers brought together by the lovely ladies at Sugahfix . We call ourselves FABB (Geddit? fashion & beauty? blogging? see what they did there? OK I'm done.) and I'm really enjoying meeting & talking to new people! Check out the various blogs and Sugahfix themselves on the blogroll to the right of this page.  OK exposition done. Last night I got the opportunity to go to a screening in Queens Film Theatre of My Week With Marilyn courtesy of Claire at Sugahfix and I have to say it was AMAZING. Michelle Williams is stunning and really performs all of the nuances of Marilyn perfectly. The clothes & make-up are of course gorgeous (my only grumbles are Emma Watson's really obvious hair piece & spotting the lines of Michelle Williams wig once, but that's just my really picky eye, it in...

Why oh why?

Christmas present shopping means I can't do a haul post as much as I'd like (too many spoilers!). So here are some questionable items I've spotted on offer in recently.  Remember my confusion over knitted leggings? Well all is forgiven because I have a new enemy...  KNITTED SHORTS!! I have no words. None. Some other Primark 'goodies' include: Fringe-a-geddon Boot a la Russe ("I am boot from Russia, pass the wodka") Velvet, feathers AND mesh platform. Tack central.  and from the ridiculous to the sublime These are AMAZING!!!  Can you imagine these paired with my Rainbow Connection manicure ?  It would be like Christmas threw up on your extremities! Thats all for today folks! Bex xXx

In the name of all that is good & holy...

WHY ON EARTH DO THESE EXIST? At least in a fashion aspect. I have no problem with them being used in some hilarious interpretive dance situation. Someone please enlighten me? *Images take from Asos. Both Unitards on sale at £22.50*

Not for wearing in bed.

So knitted leggings are a thing now? Not sure how I feel this. Thoughts?

The Dreaded C Word

No not THAT C word! Christmas! Its November 25th and it's 1 month till crimbo! Coincidentally in America it's Black Friday (the uber crazy shopping day after thanksgiving) and the first day I'm allowing myself to get excited about all things Christmas. Now i'm not being all scroogey here. I love Christmas but with selection boxes being stacked in tesco since September & Santa suits being hung beside ghosts in October it just destroys my Christmas happy! Source: Sodahead So I try & ignore the barrage of festive spirit until IT'S ACTUALLY CHRISTMAS! Which is now BTW. Happy Holidays! I still forbid decorations before December though ;) Source: Sodahead

On Display

Why hide your nail polish away in a box, drawer or basket? Oh no, they should be proudly displayed on homemade foam board shelves as you see here. I've had this for a while now and I'm still in love with how pretty it is! Ps I'm writing this on the new Blogger app. It's about fricken time!!!

Death Of The Journalist.

Last night I went to a Scroobius Pip gig with a few friends & had a thoroughly ole fashioned good time. Now for those of you who never heard of him, or his musical partner Dan Le Sac, please don't ask me to describe his music. It's not Rap, it's not Beat Poetry, It's not Hip Hop, It's not Rock, but it's kind of all of them at the same time and much more. Just have a listen and see. The title of this post is a song off the album if that sways you any. So here's my makeup for the evening & the reason for this post. Nothing spectacular but I'm pretty much in love with this lipstick. It is Clinique Colour Surge in shade 12 Flamenco & it's beaut. From what I can gather it not available anymore beyond the likes of ebay. It's semi Matte, long lasting and super red! Love love love gush gush gush. Yeah so anyway heres a few pics from the night & you can see how it (and my sobriety) fairs. looking special with scroob himself ...

Girl Panic!

I love this film for Duran Duran's new song Girl Panic. The song is meh but the supermodel band concept is fab! It kills me that these women are in their 40s and are still goddesses. The makeup, the clothes, the shoes(!!!), the bodies, there is nothing about these women that I do not envy (except maybe Naomi's dodgy lebon haircut at the end, lol, fair play to her) P.s how much of a babe is Eva Herzigova? And how hilarious is Helena Christensen!

Strange times indeed

This post isn't a beauty post or a fashion one or indeed anything more than a bit of rant. This week myself and my housemates were robbed. Did they get our laptops? No. Did they get our iPads/iPhones? No. So what did they take I hear you ask. Our Internet router & modem. Yup they stole our Internet. WTF?! I personally think that whilst being annoying (we all know how addicted to the net I am) it's actually hilarious. We've no idea how it happened there was no forced entry. No one had guests. Everything was locked up. And nothing else was taken. Unless you count the cables to hook the virgin box up to the tv. But not the virgin box it's self, why that would just be too much for them. So I shall be a wee bit quieter for a while unless I have wireless access (my data allowance conveniently ran out the same day) I leave you with this cake I baked to kill time & a thought that occurred to me whilst raiding my DVD collection Jersey Shore has ruined Clerks (the kevin ...

Glitter Whore

So I'm a bit of a magpie at the minute. I love anything that sparkles & glitters, hence why a lot of gems & adornments have been tipping my talons recently! But this takes the sparkley cake.  OPI Rainbow Connection Single coat as a base (isnt it pretty just on it's own!?)

Halloween came and went

 I remember posting about Halloween this time last year back when we ran this blog via posterous. Crazy to think its been a year since then and here we still here... well... if you don't count not being on posterous anymore :-/                                          Kitty Cat                                                  Cereal Killer  Tiger I need to stop trying to look serious... i just look huffy! lol I felt so weird wearing false eyelashes. Only my second ever time wearing them, funnily enough the first time being novelty ones last year! No fashion disaster pictures this year, not that I didn't try but the club was just too packed to get any decent snaps. I can show you mine & my housemates though from saturday night.

Belated Birthdayness (photo heavy)

So it was my birthday the other week & I'm not gonna lie it was fairly low key (for me). I'm noticing that happening a lot more with each passing year. But here's a few pictures from my week as I had a really good time!  The monday night thrown together last minute look. This was about the 4th lipstick I tried on. My housemate & I getting very drunk & taking pictures near horribly dressed women...   Tofu & Prawn noodles with duck Gyoza... heaven.  My bessie Gayle & I went for lunch to Wagamamas & she let me decorate her nails with my new Barry Ms!  How cute is this wee canvas?!  I kinda rock at this... no idea what the rules are though  Lovely surprise early Glossybox  arriving on my birthday!  I didn't get a cake. But my friend Bex (other Bex lol) who was born exactly 3 days later than me invited me over for dinner & let have a yummy slice of hers!   Two of the more obscure presents I got. I love Ast...

Eyebrows the Internet

Due to the lack of places offering threading in Leeds I ventured to the original lash & nail bar in Leeds corn exchange. I have to say I did originally ask for my brows to be threaded but the girl who does threading wasn't in that day so the lady I was speaking to said she could wax and tint them...I was dubious, I really wanted to move away from waxing but then she said if I didn't like them she wouldn't charge me as she was that confident I would love the results! SOLD! So I sat down in the beautician chair and she tinted away - at this point I would normally tell the person that I didn't want to go too dark as it freaks me out a little but she had already said that she wouldn't take them all the way black. She already had my trust so I let her work her magic! While we were waiting for the tint to take we were talking about threading and waxing and I told her about the debarcle with my last threading experience at Glow. She was gobsmacked and told me that ...