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Showing posts from August, 2015

Urban Decay Naked Palette 3 - A beauty Trilogy

I'm a bit behind on my Naked collection. I spent the longest time convincing myself that I really didn't need the 3rd instalment of the iconic eyeshadow palettes offered up from Urban Decay . " Rose tones? You don't need rose tones! You have cool tones and warm tones! Rose tones would be overkill. Ok yes your skin is Rose toned but seriously? You don't need another nude palette. Rose tones... Pah!!" And then they announced the Smoky palette and once again the cycle of need began.  "Smoky? You're too pale for smoky! Oh alright then go and get the Rose palette. There, are you satisfied?" I was.  The Rose palette is, quite unsurprisingly, a lot more pink than its predecessors. With the usual finishes including shimmers, mattes & metallics you have carte blanche to mix and match as much as you'd like to. I find this a little trickier to use than the previous palettes. Pink can be a hard colour to pull off ...

Party In The Park at Antrim Castle Gardens

Since moving back to Antrim I've been determined to make the most of my weekends and go exploring. With trips to the north coast and lunches with the girls it's been a fab summer for it. Even if we didn't get the weather. This weekend we decided to go down to the Castle Gardens for a Party In The Park put on by Antrim & Newtonabbey Borough Council. It was a free day out and a chance to nosey on in on the grounds which I haven't properly explored since I was a teenager hanging about with my friends after school taking Drama classes in Clotworthy House and being thoroughly cool... Aye. I discovered a humongous fountain I never knew existed before and rediscovered my favourite tree in the world.  There were all sorts of weird and wonderful performers and events. From Kite building to face painting to flower pot ladies and giant animal headed people. It was really lovely to see the huge crowds enjoying themselves and the kids running about the gardens. Havin...

My eBay rules and the ethical dilemma of when to buy local

When it comes to buying off Ebay I have a couple of rules. The main rule I live by is "Everything for a £1 and always Buy-It-Now" I break it once in a while for clothing auctions or large items but when it come to nic-nacs and nail supplies I stick close. In fact, I'm pretty sure my epitaph will read "99p free post & packaging!" I say it so often when people ask me where I've bought something! So here are latest in my bargain purchases.  1. Hair Removing Exfoliator pads: I put a question to my followers on Instagram as to how many people recognised these. Surprisingly it was a pretty even split yes to no. I used them all the time as a teenager, although they didn't have the funky plastic handles. You rub the fine grit pads in circles across your hairy bits & it pulls the hair out and exfoliates your skin. Pain free and silky smooth. A great pre-tanning trick! £1.05  2. Golden Snitch Necklace: No it's not official merchandise ...

Scented Scandals with Filthy Velvet

"Meet me at the tennis courts by The Ramore" It wasn't long into our afternoon together that Karen, one half of Northern Ireland's newest candlemakers  Filthy Velvet , laughed about the dodgy nature of our first meeting. It's not often that I'm asked to meet a stranger down a back street (albeit a very busy one near my favourite Portrush attraction) to then be led through stepped alleys and lanes back to their house! It's all a bit... Naughty. It's a good thing then that being a bit naughty is all par for the course for Karen who spends her days making and marketing her "Scandles". With names such as Filthy Shades Of Grey, Sext Me, Me So Thorny and scents including Leather, Irish Black Stout & Apple Pie these Scandalous Candles have been giving giggles to everyone I've heard talking about them. "Oh I want VPL!" Said no-one ever before their Vanilla, Peach, Lavender creation came into being.   It's fairly bril...

The Style Retreat, Lisburn Square:

Boutiques are great but often they can be intimidating, niche, and if you're plus size you can pretty much forget about it. As a blogger at  and a personal stylist, Danielle has tonnes of experience to allow her to choose the best designers and the best items to feature in her shop. She has items for every occasion and she has the most amazing selections of bag & accessories! But, most importantly, she is hugely aware of the diversity in modern women's sizes and is determined that women of all sizes can and will be catered for; no one will be left out! I messaged Danielle a few weeks ago with an SOS. I'm in a style rut and I needed help. She told me to get my arse down (I may be paraphrasing) and she would absolutely help me!  Her first choice was this blue shirt dress with embellished collar from Lili London . Actually come to think of it all of our choices were from this brand. I think I've fo...

Bubbles, Brines & Beards: My bath time essentials.

We need to have a word about baths. For many years I fell out with baths. I went through a phase where I  couldn't stand the thought of sitting in a tub swimming in your own your own dirt. I was the archetypal "Water Baby" as a child, I would live in the water as much as possible. Every home video I have is of me being in the bath, or a paddling pool. Then one day, around the time I gained my trachea tube come to think of it, water became the enemy. I hadn't learned how be around it without accidentally breathing it in and nearly drowning. To think that I used to spend hours (minutes?) completely submerged swishing my hair & loving life baffles me now. My plan for the day that I am miraculously cured and Tracheostomy free, if that day ever comes, is to spend the whole day swimming. Possibly the whole week. I will become a shrivelled finger mermaid and my life will be complete. But for now I'll just settle for enjoying my baths, carefully.  My bath...

Business or Pleasure? Bit of both actually!

This week has been a chaotic one! Not only was I away to Glasgow for work for two days, with a colleague bonding night out, I was also returning and immediately hurling myself into Belfast Pride celebrations! No stops home. Do not pass go. Do not collect £200 (which would have been really handy!) I'd love to say that I travel all the time with work and a live a fabulous jet set lifestyle but in truth I've only travelled twice for "business" and this was the first time I got to stay overnight. Exciting! I do have lots of experience, however, of domestic travel for pleasure with the limitations of carry on liquid allowances and all the panic that it involves. So many times I've forgotten about a can of hairspray or big tub of hair gel and had to wave goodbye to it during security.  Heartbreaking!  So what do you pack that can work for meetings, dinners, parading through Belfast and a hardcore day of drinking? All measuring a 100ml or less? ...