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Showing posts from December, 2011

My Night With Marilyn

First a bit of back story. I recently had the exciting opportunity of joining a new network of Northern Irish fashion & beauty bloggers brought together by the lovely ladies at Sugahfix . We call ourselves FABB (Geddit? fashion & beauty? blogging? see what they did there? OK I'm done.) and I'm really enjoying meeting & talking to new people! Check out the various blogs and Sugahfix themselves on the blogroll to the right of this page.  OK exposition done. Last night I got the opportunity to go to a screening in Queens Film Theatre of My Week With Marilyn courtesy of Claire at Sugahfix and I have to say it was AMAZING. Michelle Williams is stunning and really performs all of the nuances of Marilyn perfectly. The clothes & make-up are of course gorgeous (my only grumbles are Emma Watson's really obvious hair piece & spotting the lines of Michelle Williams wig once, but that's just my really picky eye, it in...

Why oh why?

Christmas present shopping means I can't do a haul post as much as I'd like (too many spoilers!). So here are some questionable items I've spotted on offer in recently.  Remember my confusion over knitted leggings? Well all is forgiven because I have a new enemy...  KNITTED SHORTS!! I have no words. None. Some other Primark 'goodies' include: Fringe-a-geddon Boot a la Russe ("I am boot from Russia, pass the wodka") Velvet, feathers AND mesh platform. Tack central.  and from the ridiculous to the sublime These are AMAZING!!!  Can you imagine these paired with my Rainbow Connection manicure ?  It would be like Christmas threw up on your extremities! Thats all for today folks! Bex xXx

In the name of all that is good & holy...

WHY ON EARTH DO THESE EXIST? At least in a fashion aspect. I have no problem with them being used in some hilarious interpretive dance situation. Someone please enlighten me? *Images take from Asos. Both Unitards on sale at £22.50*