This week myself and my housemates were robbed. Did they get our laptops? No. Did they get our iPads/iPhones? No. So what did they take I hear you ask. Our Internet router & modem. Yup they stole our Internet.
I personally think that whilst being annoying (we all know how addicted to the net I am) it's actually hilarious.
We've no idea how it happened there was no forced entry. No one had guests. Everything was locked up. And nothing else was taken. Unless you count the cables to hook the virgin box up to the tv. But not the virgin box it's self, why that would just be too much for them.
So I shall be a wee bit quieter for a while unless I have wireless access (my data allowance conveniently ran out the same day)
I leave you with this cake I baked to kill time & a thought that occurred to me whilst raiding my DVD collection
Jersey Shore has ruined Clerks (the kevin smith movie) for me! Everyone looks like a Guido!!
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