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Barry M Lavender Hexagrams & the art of Zen

I've been known to give myself simple manicures once or twice in work (during my breaks of course) as a way of relaxing. It's like Zen meditation for me and makes those stressful days a little easier to handle.
I've also been meaning to write a review of this Hexagram polish for a while. So while I calmed myself the other day I snapped a few pics along the way.
 Barry M Lavender Hexagram & Berry Ice Cream
1 coat.
 A you can see the Hexagrams don't go on easily, You usually have to resort to a light blobbing technique & then pushing the Hexagrams around with the brush to evenly distribute them across the nail.
2 coats.
Slightly denser but still quite gappy. I left it at 2 coats as it took ages to dry & a 3rd would have made it impossible to do anything with my hands.

The saving grace of this polish is that as well as the Hexagrams which are basically large squares of glitter & not as I'd hoped actually hexagonal (how raging was I realised that!) is that it is also densely packed with tiny flecks of purple glitter which add a sparkly effect to the clear polish & really emphasise the blingy effect of this polish making me love it despite initially a bit disappointed.

A sparkly thumbs up.


  1. aw thanks! its so sparkly & girly i love it.
    i followed your blog earlier during the #bbloggers convo actually! lol xx


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