Each month I take you through what I've been watching and enjoying in film & television. August has been an interesting month.
Suicide Squad
By now you've either seen Suicide Squad or read one of the many dissections of the films. It's bad. It's really bad. It's misleadingly bad because it has some pretty good moments. Very Gifable which is as damning a fate as I could possibly think of.
Suicide squad is the epitome of style of substance. It is a film made up of slow motion sequences and montages set to a fairly decent but also vapid soundtrack. The songs are great but there's nothing clever about them. The shots are great but there's nothing clever about them. The story is... Yeah that's about as many positives as I can find for the film.
If you want a full analysis then please ask me as I'm willing to talk for hours on the subject of how bad this movie was.
To sum it up it's a confusingly vapid piece of crap with a few redeeming qualities but not enough to save it and call it a pleasing experience. And I'm really easy pleased!!
Ellen Paige and Alison Janney? Say no more. I was delighted that this movie went straight to Netflix as I've been following their progress through production and various film festivals via both the lead actress' tweets.
It's your typical "free spirit meets stuffy introvert and both learn a little from each other" movie but it has some great moments, great acting, and child kidnapping. Standard.
The Olympics
I've had a very sporty summer when it comes to TV and I must say I think this has been the year I've been converted to sport of TV. The Olympics for me is all about Gymnastics. I'll dip in and out of other sports but Gymnastics always gets priority. This year I discovered the martial arts which makes sense given my recent exploration of MMA. Speaking of which, MMA definitely needs to be an Olympic sport! Can you imagine?!
UFC 202
Ok so I can't mention MMA without talking about UFC 202 (remember when I said I had a really sporty summer?). It was amazing! I've not watched that many full card nights but this was definitely my favourite and of course I feel that the best result was the Conor McGregor win. Superb!
War Dogs
I really wasn't sure what to expect with War Dogs but as soon as I heard it was a "true" story (heavy on the air quotes until I get confirmation from the real people) I wanted to see it. It's basically Wolf of Wallstreet without DiCaprio, Scorsese and a Lamborghini. Drugs, meteoric rises to wealth by young twenty somethings, unlikely hot wives: all present and accounted for.
It's really good fun.
Notable mention this month should probably go to White House Down (I'm a secret Channing Tatum junkie) for being great fun. Dishonerable mention should go to The Matrix sequels... THEYRE SO BAD! I've never actually brought myself to watch them before but holy crap they stink more than a fresh steaming cat poop. Wow. Poor Keanu.
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