So here is a quick introduction to this new feature. For a while now I have wanted to introduce my love of film and television in to this blog. I mean, heck, I have a degree in it so I might as well put it to some good use. So I shall be sharing updates and very quick reviews of my weekly media consumption. They won't always be the most highbrow or the latest releases but they will most definitely give you a deeper insight in to my psyche.

I can't even describe how perfectly spot on this movie is. I usually walk out of non "Marvel Studio" Marvel movies wishing the makers would just give up and hand the rights back to Disney (*cough*spiderman*cough* and Kevin Feige. Not this one. You will never look at unicorns the same way.
Django Unchained
I recently saw The Hateful 8 and it put me in the mood to watch Django again. Low and behold, after a night of desperately searching online, I get an email from Netflix saying they've added it... the very next day. It was kismet. I'm a life long fan of Tarantino. There are a lot of film snobs who dislike him for his over use of the homage and his downright theft of certain classic tropes. I just love that he is a pure film geek and is not afraid to show this. I also love brutal over the top violence... So there's that.
Con Air
*inserts gif of Nicolas Cage enjoying the breeze blowing through his hair*
This film has everything. Overacting, cheesy plot lines and bad guys, Steve Buscemi in classic scene stealing Steve Buscemi form. I love it.
Ah good old fashion Disney Racis... Um yeah moving on. This classic cartoon is apparently one of the latest to fall victim to Disneys raping of the archives with a live action version. I am horrified. Thankfully the cartoon film super short so it's an easy way to kill an hour and a bit in the afternoon.
The Night Manager
One word: Tom Hiddleston. This famed John Le Carre book gets the BBC treatment with a superb cast. Episode one was very introductory and set up the characters motives ready for the rest of the series. I've seen some criticism online at this and that not enough in depth story happened but I have a little more patience and am willing to wait for the build up.
I really love the style of Netflix Original documentarys. They are relaxed and simplistic and don't have that forced over energetic quality you find with most broadcast television. Cooked is a cooking programme that goes back to basics but not in a Delia way. Each episode is themed on an elemental style of cooking: fire, water, etc and takes a look at how cooking and the science of cooking has literally shaped and progressed our evolution as a species. It's hard to choose my favourite episode. Every one has a moment of epiphany which made made me want to physically hug and applaud the makers. You might not get a recipe but you may get the urge to build a fire out the back and go back to nature, and you will definitely have a more mindful attitude towards your food.
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