It may come as a surprise after decades of dying my hair and committing myself to metre colour (if not my natural colour) that I am not really a hair person. I don't have the patience to spend a long time making sure that it is perfectly styled every day. There's just so much work to take this natural fluffy curly frizzy mess that once it is finally done I really can't face it for another week (or at least 3 or 4 days). It is a moment of wonder when I finally find a product that just works for me.
I've been doing some reading and I came across a blog - forgive me but I cannot for the life of me find it to link here - talking about the benefits of blowdrying your hair immediately. It may sound counter productive given all the talk of protecting your hair from heat and I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone is saying that it would intentionally let my hair air dry for a set amount of time in order to reduce the amount of heat needed. Well this article completely turned that theory on it's head. It featured a hair dresser who talked about how water is actually damaging to you hair and that you should be trying to get it dry as quickly as possible.The trick was that you still needed to treat for heat and you still needed to apply all of you oils and serums as necessary but you would, as soon as you could, begin blow drying. Starting off with the lowest heat setting and building it so as not to burn the hair.
I was intrigued.
And so I began my experiment with completely changing my routine and I have to admit my hair felt a lot better. The lack of air drying means that my frizz has reduced and the building up of the new routine has meant that I have been able to go back to using oils in my hair - previously I found that oils left my hair greasy but with this new routine they leave it soft and glossy. My favourite oil I found buried in my stash was the Josh Wood Colour Hair Oil that I had received in a Marks & Spencer advent calendar two years ago. Of course didn't I find out that it has since been discontinued? Heartbroken! I have found seller on Amazon which seems to be selling off some old stock and I am personally going to be begging to the Josh Wood Colour social medias to see if they have any plans to bring it, or some version of it, back. in the meantime I'm going to keep hunting. In the meantime I still have my trusty John Frieda Frizz Ease and I'm taking all recommendations for creams and oils from those of you with dry frizzy Irish hair! Now that I have gotten used to good hair I'll be damned if I'm going back!
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