Quick Explanation: this is a new feature & Mostly I'll be writing them from my phone and emailing them in. Illusion shattered. So I ask you to forgive the iPhone photography, although it's gotten ALOT better since I started using the Camera+ app. Now back to the review.
Design: its a crackle, it crackles. Except this one has sparkles in it!
Use: you apply it in one even coat trying not to over lap if you need multiple strokes per nail.
Verdict: Worth A go!
I've only ever used Barry M crackles so I don't know how it compares to the more high end brands but this is pretty much the same as the Barry M versions, if not a bit easier to apply. It contains micro glitter particles which gives it a sparkle rather then the matte finish of Barry M. It's also extremely cheap at only '1.99.
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