Looks like this post is going to turn into a bit of a rant!
I've been troubled with psoriasis since my early teens ranging from being 100% clear (rarely), patches on my elbows and knees to full blown coverage of most of my body. Sometimes I'll feel a little down about it, usually when I have a lot of it all over my body and it's been there for a couple of months. Most of the time I'm fine with it and happily trot along life as usual.
Then I see Kim Kardashian kicking off because she has a few spots of psoriasis on her leg and tummy. I get that she has to look good for a living and photoshoots are her main source of income. But come on, airbrushing in magazines isn't new and to be fair is probably done anyway. In this case she went to a shoot and they covered the psoriasis with make up - so it really wasn't that big of a deal.
The reason I got a bit angry when I read this is because it makes me feel bad too. To see someone of her status feeling shit because of something she can't change - and something I have - makes me feel like I'm worthless as well. There must be thousands of young girls out there that have psoriasis and seeing her act like this is going to drag them down too.
Life goes on, she's gorgeous and still will be with a couple of these patches and I think a lot of people out there with skin disorders need to remember that, just because you have psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis etc doesn't make you any less beautiful. Most people see past the disorder and I prefer that they ask questions, I've never really had any problems with people being rude or anything.
I reckon Kim should think about using her psoriasis to raise awareness of skin disorders and show the world that you can still look amazing even if your skin isn't behaving itself. It would certainly shake the beauty industry up a bit.
So lastly, here is a pic of mine from just over a year ago

M xx
I know why you'd be angry, you should watch the episode though. She goes nuts cos it's newly developed and her mum who has had it for years calms her down by telling her not to overreact and she will be fine, airbrushing etc and in the end she is a lot less annoyed about it. You're gorgeous don't think you aren't! x